For Immediate Release: 8/22/14

Click here to download the press release as a PDF file.

Womanspace to Partner with Local Police to Help Victims Of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Training Starts September 2014

Twice a year, Womanspace holds 80-hour trainings for Domestic Violence Victim Response team (DVVRT) members and Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) Advocates. These volunteers are vital members of the community who work hand-in-hand with Police Departments and Hospital staff throughout Mercer County to provide crucial information and support domestic violence and sexual assault victims in their moment of crisis.

Team members’ qualifications include the ability to communicate well with others, being a good listener, and maintaining confidentiality. Interested persons must be 18 years of age or older, as well as a resident of or employee in the Mercer County area with a valid driver’s license, available transportation and the ability to attend trainings and meetings. Volunteers cannot have either a criminal history or prior history as a defendant in a domestic violence or sexual assault-related matter.

Volunteers will receive 80 or more hours of specialized training on topics including the law, sensitivity to the needs of victims and their children, and how to provide appropriate responses at a very critical time. Trained volunteers must be “on call” (available to respond to call-outs at police departments or hospitals) two to four shifts per month. A certificate will be presented at the completion of the training.

Womanspace, in partnership with the Police Departments throughout Mercer County, is currently accepting applications for volunteers to become members of the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and the Sexual Assault Support Services Team. To apply for the next training class please visit and download the printer-friendly application. Please submit your application by August 15, 2014; training begins September 2014. For more information please call 609-394-0136 and speak with Heidi Mueller or Alison Daks Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm or email Heidi at or Alison at



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