Womanspace’s Annual Meeting was held on Tuesday, October 16 from 12-2 PM at the Muslim Center of Greater Princeton. The meeting included the annual report on the state of the agency and recognition of Womanspace staff and Board Members. Special thanks to McCaffrey’s and Milk & Cookies for donating desserts, and the Muslim Center of Greater Princeton for their hospitality. We were pleased to honor the following …
Marsha Collins (10 Years)
Linda Singleton (20 Years)
Susan Adams (30 Years)
Board Members:
William Spain (21 Years)
Meaghan Cannon (24 Years)
Frances Zeitler (29 Years)
Maeve Cannon (29 Years)
Ed Schmierer (32 Years)
Executive Director Pat Hart with staff honorees Susan Adams and Linda Singleton.
(From Left) Board Members Ed Schmierer, Meaghan Cannon, Executive Director Pat Hart, Board Members Fran Zeitler, Maeve Cannon, and William Spain.
NJ Man of Strength and Board Member Ed Schmierer with Executive Director Pat Hart.
Board Member Fran Zeitler reads a poem about Domestic Violence.
Attendees enjoying lunch and the program.
Desserts donated by McCaffrey’s and Milk & Cookies.