Dedicated Volunteers Needed: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victim Response Teams

If you are a dedicated individual interested in making a difference in your community then Womanspace has the perfect opportunity. Join Womanspace as a volunteer for the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team (DVVRT) and Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) Advocate Team. DVVRT and SASS team members provide vital support to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault during the most critical time.

Team members respond to local police stations or hospitals and meet with victims—providing them with support, information, and referrals. In the past twelve years the teams have served over 5,700 residents of Mercer County. Last year alone, team members provided services to 728 domestic violence victims and 72 sexual assault victims. Read more about the individual response teams…

Volunteers will receive 80+ hours of extensive, specialized training on topics including the law, sensitivity to the needs of victims and their children, and how to provide appropriate responses at a very critical time. Ongoing training will also be provided. Trained volunteers must be “on call” (available to respond to call-outs at police departments or hospitals) two to four shifts per month. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and have a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle.

Additionally, volunteers must be able to communicate effectively, relate sensitively to victims and maintain confidentiality. The application process includes a background check, fingerprinting and interview.

Bi-lingual individuals, especially those fluent in Spanish, Polish and American Sign Language are strongly encouraged to apply!

The next class begins Spring 2018, download and complete this application to become a DVVRT or SASS team member (Adobe Reader required). Please submit your completed application before January 15, 2018. Applications must be notarized

For more information about volunteering on the teams, please contact Heidi Mueller at and Alison Daks at, or call (609) 394-0136.



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