Denim Day- Show your support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month



We are asking community members, elected officials, businesses, and students to make a social statement by wearing jeans because there is no excuse and never an invitation to rape.

Join the Denim Day movement by educating yourself and others on facts about sexual assault, and by wearing jeans at your job or school on April 27, 2016.

How can you get involved?

1. Wear denim on Wednesday, April 27, 2016
2. Tell your friends and family to wear denim
3. Download the Denim Day Action Kit

History of Denim Day:

In 1998 the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing tight jeans at the time of the assault. The justices stated that the victim must have helped her attacker remove her jeans, from which they inferred consent.

Enraged by the verdict, women in the Italian Parliament protested by wearing jeans on the steps of the Italian Parliament building. Wearing jeans on Denim Day became an international symbol of protest against destructive myths about sexual assault.

To learn more please download the 15 ways to stop rape today!

You can be featured in the next edition of Womanspace News! Take a picture of you and your friends, family or coworkers wearing denim and submit to

Annual Wing Eating Contest

chicken wings

Stuff your face at McGuinn’s Place to benefit Womanspace! The Annual Wing Eating Contest will take place at 6:00pm on Saturday, April 30, 2016, at McGuinn’s Place, 1781 Brunswick Ave/ Business Route 1, Lawrenceville, NJ. The entry fee is $20. Registration begins at 4:00pm; call 609-392-0599 or 609-394-0136 ext. 207 to register.
But you don’t need to enter the contest to join the party! If you’re not into eating contests, join us on April 30th anyway for great food and fun! Donations in any amount are always welcome.

Check out the flyer here!

Para más información sobre nuestro Equipo de Servicios Bilingüe


Womanspace ha tenido un prolongado compromiso con las personas de habla hispana, quienes han sobrevivido violencia doméstica.  Una de las maneras en las cuales hemos mantenido nuestra promesa, ha sido mediante la creación del Equipo de Servicios Bilingües (BST) en el año 1998; desde entonces nuestro personal de habla hispana se ha reunido para debatir las necesidades matizadas de los latinos/as sobrevivientes. Recientemente el BST ha reafirmado nuestro objetivo, revisando nuestra Misión y Visión:

Misión: El Equipo de Servicios Bilingüe de Womanspace se esfuerza por educar, colaborar y crear conciencia dentro de la agencia y en la comunidad acerca de los desafíos que enfrentan los/as sobrevivientes de violencia de habla hispana.
Visión: El Equipo de Servicios Bilingüe asegura que se provean en español servicios de intervención de crisis a víctimas o sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y asalto sexual y a sus hijos, a través de consejería, abogacía, manejo de casos, número de emergencia 24/7; además ofrecemos un refugio seguro y confidencial. Este equipo también proporciona educación y entrenamiento a la comunidad y su objetivo es servir mejor a la población de habla hispana.

 Nuestra Misión y Visión existen, ya que desafortunadamente prevalece la violencia doméstica y sexual dentro de la comunidad de habla hispana, especialmente aquellos que no tienen documentos.  La violencia doméstica  es definida como un patrón de comportamiento abusivo en una relación familiar o romántica, en la cual el abusador busca mantener el poder y el control sobre la víctima. La violencia sexual ocurre cuando alguien obliga o coacciona a otro a realizar comportamientos sexuales sin consentimiento; ambos violencia doméstica y sexual son delitos que se basan en la dinámica de poder y control. Con el propósito de destacar su gravedad entre la comunidad de habla hispana, tenga presente las siguientes estadísticas:

  • 1 de 3 latinas experimentan violencia doméstica en el transcurso de su vida.
  • (
  • Las mujeres inmigrantes casadas (incluyendo las latinas) tienen más probabilidad de experimentar violencia doméstica que las que son solteras. ( barreras que las mujeres latinas enfrentan:
  • Desconocer el lenguaje y las barreras culturales.
  • Tener sus familiares amenazados en sus países de origen; si se van o denuncian el abuso.
  • Amenazas de deportación.
  • Factores económicos; como la dificultad de obtener un empleo estable debido a su estatus migratorio.

Una vez más, Womanspace se compromete a proporcionar servicios integrales y de apoyo a las víctimas de violencia doméstica y sexual de habla hispana. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los servicios que ofrecemos y ¡compártalos en sus redes sociales!

    • Líneas de emergencia las 24 horas con personal de habla hispana: 609-394-9000.
  • Personal de habla hispana en nuestra Casa Segura, un lugar confidencial.
  • Una intercesora de habla hispana en el Tribunal Superior de Familias ofrece apoyo en las audiencias de órdenes de restricción final.
  • Consejeras de habla hispana en nuestra Oficina de Consejería y Apoyo.
  • Grupo de apoyo, Mi Hermana, Mi Amiga, reuniones disponibles todos los miércoles de 6:00-7:00 pm. Ofrecemos cuidado de niños.
  • Grupo Madres Seguras y Niños Sanos para las personas que tienen un caso con División de Protección Infantil y Permanencia (DCP& P). Este programa permite completar el currículo ya sea en sesiones individuales o en grupo.


El comité de BST de Womanspace está aquí para ofrecer apoyo, seguridad y servicios a las víctimas de abuso. A través de la capacitación, planificación de seguridad y los servicios de apoyo, estamos comprometidos a ayudar a los sobrevivientes de habla hispana a encontrar la paz y la seguridad que se merecen.

English Version

Womanspace has had a long standing commitment to Spanish-speaking survivors of domestic and sexual violence. One of the ways in which we’ve maintained our commitment was through the creation of the Bilingual Services Team (BST) in 1998. Since then, Spanish-speaking staff has met to discuss the nuanced needs of Latino/a survivors. More recently, the BST has reaffirmed our commitment by revising our Mission and Vision, found here:

Mission: The BST of Womanspace strives to educate, collaborate, and build awareness within the agency and throughout the community about the challenges facing Spanish speaking survivors of violence

Vision: The bilingual services team ensures the provision of crisis intervention services to Spanish speaking victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children via counseling, advocacy, case management, and 24/7 hotlines and protective shelter. This team also provides education and training for the community and aims to better serve the Spanish-speaking population.

Our Mission and Vision exist, unfortunately, due to the prevalence of domestic and sexual violence within the Spanish-speaking community, especially those who are undocumented. Domestic violence is defined as a pattern of abusive behavior within a family or romantic relationship, in which the abuser seeks to maintain power and control over the victim. Sexual violence occurs when someone forces or coerces you to do sexual behaviors without consent. Both domestic and sexual violence are crimes that are based in the dynamic of power and control. In order to highlight the prevalence among the Spanish-speaking community, take note of the following statistics:

  • 1 in 3 Latinas will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes. (
  • Immigrant women (including Latinas) who are married are more likely to experience domestic violence than unmarried women. (
  • Some barriers that Latino/a women face:
  • Not knowing the language and cultural barriers
  • Having their families in their country of origin threatened if they leave or report the abuse
  • Threats of deportation
  • Economic factors: such as difficulty in obtaining steady employment due to immigration status

Again, Womanspace is committed to providing comprehensive and supportive services to Spanish-speaking victims of domestic and sexual violence. Please note the services we offer and share them within your networks!

  • 24 hour a day Spanish-speaking coverage of our hotlines – 609-394-9000.
  • Bilingual Advocates at our confidential Safe House.
  • Bilingual Court Advocate at Family Court for final restraining order hearings.
  • Bilingual Counselors at our Counseling and Support Services.
  • Mi Hermana, Mi Amiga Drop-In Support Group every Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm. Childcare provided.
  • Madres Seguras, Niños Sanos DCP&P Curriculum and Group.

The BST committee of Womanspace is here to provide support, safety and services to the victims of abuse. Through empowerment, safety planning and supportive services, we are committed to help Spanish-speaking survivors seek the peace and safety they deserve.

Recent Grants 2016

Thank you to Blackrock- $5,000, Schieffelin Trust – $5,000, and Trenton Thunder- $1,500 for granting Womanspace the funds to support our Children’s Program. Womanspace feels it is important to provide children with an opportunity to let their voice be heard, accepted and understood. Family violence is one of the major health, safety and economic problems in the country today. The pattern of control that abusive partners use to manipulate their victims is a growing problem that permeates silently through neighborhoods and communities close to home. Children exposed to domestic violence may experience a wide variety of stressors which can affect their social, emotional and behavioral health. During 2010, Mercer County reported 2,923 domestic violence offenses, including 2 homicides. Children were involved or present during 31%, or 906, of these offenses. A child is 10 to 17 times more likely than a child in a non-violent home to encounter serious emotional and behavioral problems if they have witnessed domestic violence. The money granted to us for the children’s program will go to providing the critical services needed to pursue a happy and healthy lifestyle for all the children Womanspace comes in contact with. Thank you again to Blackrock, Schieffelin Trust, and Trenton Thunder for their very generous grants.

Womanspace is pleased to be the recipient of a $7,500 grant from The Vahlsing Foundation. We’re especially enthusiastic about this grant because they’re a new donor to Womanspace. The Vahlsing Foundation Inc. is a Human Service Organization located in New Egypt, New Jersey. This grant money will go towards installing a new Air Conditioning system at our Transitional Housing location known as Barbara’s House. The primary focus of the Transitional Housing Assistance Program is to provide aid to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, particularly those who are homeless or in need of transitional housing and supportive services. Our transitional program addresses emotional needs, financial stability, resolution of legal concerns, and child care options. The program also focuses on educational goals or job readiness skills as the women work towards self sufficiency. During those blazing hot summer months, this air conditioning system will go to good use. Thank you to the Vahlsing Foundation for choosing Womanspace to be the recipient of this $7,500 grant.

Thank you to the Lawrence Township Community Foundation for the $1,000 grant for new computers in the Womanspace Counseling office. The goal of the counseling office is to provide support and resources that help clients and their families determine what their best options are to live a life free of violence. Ongoing support and help to navigate these turbulent times are often necessary, and victims and survivors can utilize all of the services offered by Womanspace’s counseling office through individual and group counseling. The new computers will help our counselors provide the best service possible to their clients. Thank you again Lawrence Township Community Foundation.

22nd Annual Barbara Boggs Sigmund Award Event

Honoring Tamron Hall

2016 save the date final
Co-Host of The Third Hour of NBC’s TODAY and anchor of MSNBC’s NewsNation
Presenting Sponsor: Janssen Research & Development, LLC

Click here to download the Sponsorship form

Click here to make a donation to the Barbara Boggs Sigmund Award Event (without registering for the event)

Vacation Raffle

Enter to Win: Luxurious trip for two to the NOW Resort in Riviera Maya. Prize Package includes: 4 day/3 night all inclusive lodging with two roundtrip charter air seats. All meals, drinks, gratuities, non-motorized sports and transfers to and from the hotel are included.

$50 per tickets and all raffle proceeds benefit Womanspace, the leading domestic violence and sexual assault agency for Mercer County, NJ.

Drawing: May 19th, 2016 at the end of the Barbara Boggs Sigmund Award Reception.


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Presenting Sponsor

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Robin Gosnell

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Silver Sponsor

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Bronze Sponsors


NJM Insurance Group Black

Church and DwightNovo Nordisk

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Restaurant Sponsors




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Gold Page Sponsor

Maryann Chibbaro

Silver Page Sponsors

Mason, Griffin & Pierson, P.C.

Saul Ewing, LLP

Vacation Raffle Sponsor

Albin Family Foundation

Table Sponsor

Kristin Keller
Joan Bartl

In-Kind Sponsors


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Global Planners

Annual Appeal

“Why did she stay?” “I would never be that weak,” “Those women just need to get stronger.” “She was asking for it,” “She shouldn’t have gone to his room.”

Domestic and sexual Violence is a global epidemic impacting more individuals than war and cancer combined.  Yet misinformation and misconceptions are actively fueling this injustice.  If we’re to eradicate interpersonal violence, we must first end victim-blaming.

The #WhyIStayed hashtag was well intentioned but it’s a good answer to a bad question.  Why don’t we start asking men why they hit, rape or assault?  Victims are most likely to be vulnerable to violence when separated and the second most vulnerable group is when they divorce.  Consider the woman who is told every night that she will die if she leaves her abuser.  Consider the woman whose abuser uses their children as a pawn to make her stay.  Consider the woman whose abuser makes her depend on him for financial stability and a home.  Then, think about what you would do to stay in alive in such a situation, even if it meant staying with him/her.  75% of women are killed while trying to leave an abusive relationship.

In 2014, Womanspace:
*Served 6,426 hotline callers
*Professionally trained & Educated 6,589 community members
*Served 208 women and children at the safe house
*Went on 72 sexual assault accompaniments
*Served 3,396 clients in our counseling office
*Advocated for over 1,440 clients

Help us continue to provide valuable lifesaving programs and services to our survivors. Raise your voice and be an advocate for change by giving to Womanspace’s 2015 Annual Appeal. 

Thank you for your past contributions. They have truly helped to sustain Womanspace.

Recent Grants Awarded to Womanspace

Mary G. Roebling Foundation Grant

December 16, 2015 – On December 10, 2015 Womanspace was awarded a $7,000 Grant from the Mary G. Roebling Foundation, Inc.  Mary G. Roebling was a prominent and influential business leader, with contributions in the areas of finance, politics, women’s rights, and philanthropy. The purpose of her foundation today, is to support educational, cultural, and other charitable programs in the greater Trenton area. The funds from this grant will go towards our Annual Appeal which helps the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking year around receive the essential services needed to maintain a well balanced lifestyle. In 2014, Womanspace: Served 6,426 hotline callers, professionally trained & educated 6,589 community members, served 208 women and children at the safe house, went on 72 sexual assault accompaniments, served 3,396 clients in our counseling office, and advocated for over 1,440 clients. We’re very pleased to have generous organizations such as the Mary G. Roebling Foundation who support Womanspace’s mission. Thank you for helping us continue to provide valuable lifesaving programs and services to our survivors.

Princeton Area Community Foundation Grant

December 17, 2015 – This fall the Princeton Area Community Foundation has awarded $570,000 to 22 area nonprofit agencies through its flagship grants program, Greater Mercer Grants. Womanspace had the honor to be one of those agencies, receiving $40,000 unrestricted. The Community Foundation collaborates with the Harbourton Foundation and charitable funds established at the Foundation by individuals and families to support Greater Mercer Grants. The list of donors grows every year and the Princeton Area Community Foundation welcomes the participation of those dedicated to supporting the nonprofit organizations that work on behalf of Mercer County residents.The Princeton Area Community Foundation promotes philanthropy and builds communities across Mercer County and central New Jersey. The Community Foundation provides charitable giving expertise to individuals, nonprofits and corporations, and makes grants to nonprofit organizations. Since its founding in 1991, the Community Foundation has granted more than $40 million back into the community. Thank you Princeton Area Community Foundation for choosing Womanspace to be the recipient of a $40,000 grant.

It’s the season of giving

Womanspace would like to say THANK YOU to the generous community members and businesses that donated food, toys, clothing, personal care items and household gifts for the holidays.  Below are a few of the many generous donors that helped spread the holiday spirit to our clients and their families.

Christine's Hope for Kids

Christine’s Hope for Kids presenting their donations to Womanspace

IMG_4512New Jersey Economic Development Authority made some wonderful gift baskets for our clients at our transitional housing location

IMG_4504Special thank you to the Body Project for these adorable gift bags for all of our clients

gina and giftsThe Women’s Power Dinner hosted by Landy Eaton and Jan Noonan was a huge success! Thank you all the generous donors who came and supported Womanspace.



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