The 1st Annual Flag Football Game – Hopewell Valley Police vs. Fire Department!

Come out to Pop Warner Field at Hopewell Township Municipal Complex for the 1st Annual Flag Football game! Tickets are $5 and all proceeds raised benefit Womanspace!

The event will take place November 28th. Click here or check out the flyer below for more details!

Times of Trenton Holiday Appeal

Womanspace has been named a recipient of the Times Holiday Appeal! For 63 years, The Times of Trenton has selected a local Mercer County charity to support through The Times charities fund drive, The Times Holiday Appeal. For 2019, The Times Holiday Appeal has selected two 501(c)(3) organizations located in Mercer County that are focused on improving the lives of others: Camp Fire NJ and Womanspace Inc. Click here to see the full article. 

If you’re interested in making a donation, visit our Appeal page here. 

Thank you for supporting survivors of domestic and sexual violence.


Womanspace cuenta con voluntarios para muchos proyectos que ayudan a nuestros programas y llevan nuestra misión a la comunidad. Por favor vea nuestras necesidades actuales de voluntariado en los enlaces directos. Para obtener más información, comuníquese al 609-394-0136.

Oportunidades de voluntariado

Oficina administrativa – para asistir con las funciones generales de la oficina administrativa. Horarios disponibles de lunes a viernes durante el día.

Educador Comunitario – para ayudar con las solicitudes de presentaciones orales de las asociaciones cívicas, organizaciones comunitarias y religiosas, empresas, escuelas y otras personas interesadas en comprender el abuso y la violencia interpersonal. Usted se haría parte de los voluntarios de la respuesta comunitaria coordinada para apoyar a las víctimas y responsabilizar a los abusadores por sus acciones. Proporcionamos capacitación específica.

Voluntario de eventos – Presentar/exponer información en eventos comunitarios que se llevan a cabo alrededor del condado de Mercer, Nueva Jersey, esto pueden incluir escuelas y universidades, organizaciones cívicas, de servicios social y religiosas, eventos comunitarios y ferias de salud.

Servicios Legales – Abogados bilingües en derecho de familia para asistir con la clínica legal de Womanspace.

Los miembros del comité de recaudación de fondos desarrollan e implementan planes para recaudar dinero en beneficio de Womanspace.

Conviértase en voluntario de DVVRT & SASS

Equipos de respuesta para víctimas de violencia doméstica

El Equipo de Apoyo para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica DVVRT (por sus siglas en inglés) es una colaboración/asociación de Womanspace, agencias de aplicación de la ley del condado de Mercer, Nueva Jersey y miembros de la comunidad. Los voluntarios de DVVRT están capacitados para reunirse con víctimas de violencia doméstica en las estaciones de policía para proporcionarles información y apoyo en el momento de un incidente denunciado o cuando son solicitados.

Intercesores de Servicios de Apoyo sobre el Abuso Sexual

Los intercesores de servicios de apoyo sobre el abuso sexual son voluntarios que trabajan para mejorar/aumentar el enfoque centrado en la víctima que ahora es la norma para proporcionar/prestar servicios a las víctimas de abuso sexual. Ellos ofrecen acompañamiento a los hospitales cuando reciben llamadas de crisis de nuestra línea directa, la policía local o por la oficina del fiscal. Los intercesores ofrecen intervención en situaciones de crisis, apoyo emocional, información y referidos a las víctimas/sobrevivientes de abuso sexual y a sus seres queridos. También se les puede pedir que apoyen a un/a sobreviviente a través del seguimiento de atención médica y con los procedimientos legales/ trámites judiciales

Cualificaciones generales para los voluntarios de apoyo:

  • Deben tener o ser mayores de 18 años
  • Tratar a las víctimas/sobrevivientes con sensibilidad
  • Capacidad para comunicarse bien y ser un buen oyente
  • Mantener confidencialidad
  • Licencia válida para conducir
  • Acceso a transportación
  • El proceso de solicitud incluye verificación de antecedentes y huellas dactilares
  • Completar el entrenamiento inicial de más de 80 horas y capacitación continua
  • Los voluntarios de DVVRT y los intercesores de apoyo sobre el abuso sexual deben de estar “de turno” al menos dos turnos de 12 horas por mes
  • ¡Se les invita encarecidamente a las personas bilingües, especialmente los que son fluyentes en español, polaco y el lenguaje de señas americano




Annual Meeting

Please join us for our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 16 from 12-2 PM at the Muslim Center of Greater Princeton (2030 Old Trenton Road Princeton Junction, NJ 08550). The Annual Meeting is your opportunity to exercise your membership rights. The meeting includes the annual report on the state of the agency, and recognition of Womanspace staff. This year we will also be recognizing Board Members who have served Womanspace for over 20 years. Advance registration is required and the cost is $35 per person. Please call 609-394-0136 to RSVP or register below. 


Princeton Theological Seminary

  • Please come support the Princeton Theological Seminary Women’s Center on March 20 & 21 (Friday & Saturday) as they present: A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer (V-Day celebration).
  • The show will take place at  7:00 in the Gambrell Room at Scheide Hall.Directed by Katherine Scot
  • Tickets can be purchased at the door.
  • All proceeds benefit Womanspace with a suggested donation of $5.

The Vagina Monologues: Princeton University

Princeton University Presents:
The Vagina Monologues

  • Madeleine Planeix-Crocker’s Senior Theater Thesis Presentation
  • This is a dance adaptation of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues
  • February 13 & February 14, 8 pm
  • New South Acting Studio located in the New South Bldg., Princeton University– Across from the lower end of McCarter Theater (behind WaWa)
  • Free and open to the public– Limited Seating
  • All proceeds will benefit Womanspace non-profit organization
  • Email for reservations

Deaf Advocacy Project

It is estimated that one in every 4 women is beaten and one in every 5 women is sexually assaulted in her lifetime. For the deaf and hard of hearing, that ratio is even higher. Isolation and systems that can’t communicate or don’t understand the culture of the deaf communities make getting help even more difficult.

Mary Elizabeth was held captive by her abuser for months. She couldn’t scream for help and had no means of communication. Her life line (her cell phone) was taken away, and she was systematically beaten and abused. Because she had already alienated her friends and family, none of them were in regular touch and no one was looking for her. When she finally broke free in a state of panic and found her way to the police department, she couldn’t communicate. She waited long hours for law enforcement to locate a signing interpreter. Isolated, alone and petrified, she waited.

This is NOT how it should be. Womanspace has begun a Deaf Advocacy Project that trains deaf volunteers to respond to victims immediately. We are working in partnership with the NJ Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the NJ Coalition for Battered Women and the NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Everyone is volunteering time to make this project become a reality. The NJ Division of Deaf and Hard of Hearing has been a wonderful support in providing American Sign Language interpreters, but the ability to continue this is limited. Other associated costs for 80 hours of training, ongoing supervision, travel expenses and amenitites like food and clothing are unmet needs.

Newly trained deaf advocates will have the ability to accompany the deaf victim to the police station, court, hospital or wherever the victim needs support to help her/him feel safe. We want to ensure no one should be alone during such a traumatic time.

This project is being piloted in Mercer County, New Jersey, but will be available throughout the state within two years. We need your help to make this a reality. Please help us in providing this critical support that is life-sustaining, life-saving and life supporting for deaf and hard-of-hearing victims.

Try to imagine your life without a voice…and then dig deep to help us provide a voice for the hundreds of victims who can benefit from your generosity.

To donate to the Deaf Advocacy Project, please click here.

Purchase your Luminaries!!

Buy a Womanspace’s Luminary for $10!

You now have the choice to purchase a luminary kit to light outside your home or business; or you can purchase a virtual luminary! Virtual luminaries and help us spread awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault through your Facebook status, your Twitter feed or by sending an email to your friends. Sending a message of hope and support can make all the difference. If you would like to purchase an actual luminary kit to light outside your home or business, you can pick them up at Womanspace’s administrative office at 1530 Brunswick Ave, Lawrenceville, NJ.

Click here to purchase your luminary. 

When you purchase a $10 virtual luminary, you will receive an email of the virtual luminary to download or cut and paste. Make sure to share it with all of your contacts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and send out an email blast to spread the awareness across Mercer County and beyond! We hope to “light” up everyone’s social media pages and emails and we encourage you to share your virtual luminaries from now until the lighting date on December 7th.

The lighting of luminaries throughout the county is our unique way of increasing local awareness of both the ongoing presence of domestic and sexual violence in our community and the Womanspace mission to serve its victims at the moment of crisis and throughout their journey of healing. Let’s make Mercer County shine brightly as we remember those who may be suffering in silence.

Technology Update Needed

Computers and their technology have tremendous significance in today’s complex professional environments. With a click of the mouse, we can update and analyze our many databases, access statistical records and balance accounts. Computers save us valuable time which translates into the savings of thousands of dollars. Computers also improve our ability to communicate in real time, share critical information with our partners and improve the quality and delivery of our services.

The professional staff at Womanspace has been working on antiquated computers for a number of years; they lack sufficient speed and memory for our purposes. Because of the sophisticated software we utilize to track our donor database, maintain statistical information for critical reporting, design training and promotional materials, and preserve valuable documents, it is of utmost importance that our systems be completely reliable. On more than one occasion, the hard drive on these  computers has crashed and required extensive and expensive re-programming. The fear is that important data could be lost on the next crash. New computer technology will eliminate bottlenecks and allow us to use our advanced software fully.

Click here to help us raise money to update our technology.

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2014 Barbara Boggs Sigmund Award Reception



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